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Untitled Sceneengloge karthi memory april 2019 but mid in that monthyear, karthi watched tv with calculator and youtube daily dose of internet window behind calculator, the calculator said "0.73202289132" when karthi did "something like "1365 or maybe "8388608/11387584"" and one moment mom called karthi to do the talking and before this, karthi went to mom and talked to mom in rm. 3 and went downstairs thinking # 0.732 and his prev calc and before the talking rm.3 with mom, he also watched the calc on top of daily dose of internet youtube window. and just watched youtube window dailydose of internet and also after rm.3 mom talking!

Untitled Sceneengloge karthi memory april 2019 but mid in that monthyear, karthi watched tv with calculator and youtube daily dose of internet window behind calculator, the calculator said "0.73202289132" when karthi did "something like "1365 or maybe "8388608/11387584"" and one moment mom called karthi to do the talking and before this, karthi went to mom and talked to mom in rm. 3 and went downstairs thinking # 0.732 and his prev calc and before the talking rm.3 with mom, he also watched the calc on top of daily dose of internet youtube window. and just watched youtube window dailydose of internet and also after rm.3 mom talking!

karthi thought 0.99999968 4 pm 5/15/2020 wanna use or not, no!