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gnih karthi memory late october 2019; on tulsy's room in washroom, sitting on toilet, removing body waste by discharging them, and karthi was there looking at the floor, thinking of the grandpa's kitchen video music intro and also may have thought of Indian children all waving the hands to the interlocutor. and one moment (at some time), karthi was getting up from the toilet and have gone into the shower to wash his private parts off by cleaning and one moment (at one occasion), karthi was looking at the shower drainage, thinking of the numbers 0.999977..., thinking of grandpa's kitchen video music intro, in guitar sound in keynote approximately F# and also thought of Indian children that of grandpa's kitchen video and when he was thinking all these thoughts, he was exiting the shower, thinking the thought that he was just thinking of and after he got off, karthi has got out of the tub, thinking of all these. and at one moment, he stopped. One moment, karthi looking at the shower, thinking of grandpa's kitchen video intro music and thought of the number 0.999977... with the thought of some other things like windows 7 startup sound variations or other like measuring size to number and all.

gnih karthi memory late october 2019; on tulsy's room in washroom, sitting on toilet, removing body waste by discharging them, and karthi was there looking at the floor, thinking of the grandpa's kitchen video music intro and also may have thought of Indian children all waving the hands to the interlocutor. and one moment (at some time), karthi was getting up from the toilet and have gone into the shower to wash his private parts off by cleaning and one moment (at one occasion), karthi was looking at the shower drainage, thinking of the numbers 0.999977..., thinking of grandpa's kitchen video music intro, in guitar sound in keynote approximately F# and also thought of Indian children that of grandpa's kitchen video and when he was thinking all these thoughts, he was exiting the shower, thinking the thought that he was just thinking of and after he got off, karthi has got out of the tub, thinking of all these. and at one moment, he stopped. One moment, karthi looking at the shower, thinking of grandpa's kitchen video intro music and thought of the number 0.999977... with the thought of some other things like windows 7 startup sound variations or other like measuring size to number and all.