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oalzaute karthi memory october 17, 2019; at downstairs, in basement floor living room thinking circa date "Circa November 2019" because it has become closer to november 2019 than to october 2019. and when he thought of that, karthi might have thought of karthi turning age 13.666666666666667 years or not but he was most thinking that he was gonna turn 13.5833333333333333 years of age. (323 everglade way). but when karthi uthay was at downstairs basement living room, the both of the living room basement lights were on. light 1 was on so as light 2 was on. and when he was at basement in living room karthi may have thought of his dream or not. (323 evergalde way).

oalzaute karthi memory october 17, 2019; at downstairs, in basement floor living room thinking circa date "Circa November 2019" because it has become closer to november 2019 than to october 2019. and when he thought of that, karthi might have thought of karthi turning age 13.666666666666667 years or not but he was most thinking that he was gonna turn 13.5833333333333333 years of age. (323 everglade way). but when karthi uthay was at downstairs basement living room, the both of the living room basement lights were on. light 1 was on so as light 2 was on. and when he was at basement in living room karthi may have thought of his dream or not. (323 evergalde way).