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Importing Vrscene and VrsceneZip can import vrscene, the file format used by V-Ray to describe the scene that must be rendered.

It’s also possible to import vrscenezip files. A vrscenezip file is a zip archive that contains one or more vrscene files and can also include image assets used inside the scene. All files must be located at the root of the zip file and all images must be refered by their relative paths inside the vrscene files.


V-Ray 2.x is using V-Ray 2.x, which means that in most cases, vrscene files made with a version of V-Ray 3.0 or higher won’t work. V-Ray 3.0 intruced new plugins and new properties to existing plugins that are not compatible with V-Ray 2.x.


Vrscene files can describe animations, but it’s currently impossible to import them into If your vrscene import failed and it’s because it contains an animation, it’s possible to modify the vrscene file to remove the animation information.

Animations are described by the “interpolate” statement, which look like this:

MtlDiffuse MyDiffuse {
    (0,   Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)),
    (0.5, Color(1, 1, 1)),
    (1,   Color(0, 0, 0))

The interpolate statement contains a list of values, for a specific property, at various time. It’s a key framed animation, just like the animation in

To make the vrscene file importable, the interpolate statement must be removed. And to do so, you must choose one of the key framed value to become the static value of that property.

This is the same example as above:

MtlDiffuse MyDiffuse {
  diffuse=Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);

But in this case, the value at time zero has been selected to be the new static value of property diffuse of the MtlDiffuse material named MyDiffuse.

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