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After setting up the Cast and Receive objects you can adjust the lighting. Light is an important aspect that directly affects shading. In, all the lights contain a subset of the following shadow property.

Direct Light Shadow Property

This allows you to customize the shading when rendering the scene. We will walk through each of them:

  • Enable: Enables the selected light to cast a shadow.
  • Enable(V2): V2 property, enables the selected light to cast a shadow.
  • Bias: Moves the shadow closer or farther away from casting objects.

Shadow Bias

  • Darkness: V1 property, controls the darkness of the shadow.

Shadow Darkness

  • Shadow Radius(V2): V2 property, controls the shadow edge radius.

Shadow Radius

  • Map Size: Controls the resolution of the casted shadow.

Shadow Map Size

Finally, the Camera Size, Near Clip and Far Clip define the spatial area (shown in blue). That means the shadow will only be rendered inside the defined frustum, which can be found in the example below.

Direct Light Shadow Example

The Auto Shadow is another useful feature, if set to true, the frustum will adjust automatically to include all polymeshes in the scene.

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