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###Set Keyframe
To set a keyframe, you need to indicate “what to do“ at that time, we need to use setAt(), which only has a little difference with set(), we need to indicate the “time“ in the end, the command looks like,

ctx('name#Plug[name=Operator]').setAt({"Primitive":value}, key);

For Example:Set time 10 as keyframe, and then translate “MyBox“ to (10, 10, 0) at that time,

ctx('MyBox#Transform[name=Transform]').setAt({"translation":{"x":10,"y":10,"z":0}}, 10);

###Clear A Keyframe
To clear a keyframe of an object, you need to use removeKeyFrame() which is similar to setAt(), but you don’t need to indicate the value of the primitives, the command looks like,

ctx('name#Plug[name=Operator]').removeKeyFrame("Primitive", key);

For Example: Clear the translation of “MyBox“ at time 10,

ctx('MyBox#Transform[name=Transform]').removeKeyFrame("translation", 10);

###Clear All Keyframes
To clear all keyframes of an object, the command looks like,

ctx.exec("animation/clearKeyFrames", 'name');

you just need to indicate the name of the object which you want to clear all its keyframes.

For Example: Clear all keyframes of “MyBox“,

ctx.exec("animation/clearKeyFrames", 'MyBox');

###Play and Stop
For Example: Play the animation,;

For Example: Stop the animation,


Go To Frame

Use gotoTime() to move forward to a specific keyframe, you can use setTime() of scene to move to that keyframe, the command looks like,


For Example: Go to keyframe 20,

ctx('Untitled Scene').scene.setTime(20);


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