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The Scene List

When first launching, users are greeted with a Scenes directory. Initially this list will be empty, but as content is created, scenes will populate the list. It displays the Name, Author, Created and Modified date for each of your scenes.

In, all your projects are done within a Scene. These are files containing all information related to your project, including models, cameras, lighting, materials, animations, and render settings. All Scene files are stored on’s cloud service, meaning the scene is accessible from any computer accessing the same account.

New scenes are created by clicking on the New Scene button. When clicking on the New Scene button, you’re prompted with the choice of creating an Empty Scene, or the choice of anyone of the existing Samples Library.

To resume working on an existing scene, click its name in under the Name heading. To return to the Scenes directory, simply click on the logo (upper left corner) at any time. Your work will automatically be saved before returning.

Scenes can also be shared with other users. Any scenes shared with you will appear in the Scenes directory. You are able to collaborate in real-time with other users by opening the same scene simultaneously. Both your actions will be visible from your monitors, thus allowing you to give immediate feedback as work progresses.


In addition to other functions mentioned, users are also able to upload 3D models and elements directly from the scene list. We have a page dedicated to the Upload function here.


You have the ability to search for your Scene by name. The Search Box is not case sensitive. This is useful if your Scene List becomes over populated. Simply type in a phrase that was used in the name of your Scene, and you’ll get a search result of all the Scenes using that phrase in their names.

For example, if you have multiple scenes using the phrase ‘Head’ in the title, simply type in ‘Head’ in the Search Box, and all the scenes containing that phrase will appear in the search result.


You Scenes are listed in four different categories. These can be filtered as such:

  • All - allows you to view all types of scenes. This includes Scenes that you created and that were Shared with you.

  • Mine - displays scenes that were created by yourself.

  • Shared With Me - displays scenes that were shared with you by another party.

  • Trash - displays all the scenes that were Deleted.

###Listing Types###

You can change the way your Scenes are listed. By choosing List, you can have your Scenes appear as a list with names only. Alternatively, you can have them viewed as icons with different sizes such as Small, Medium, or Large.


Select the check-box next to a scene name to access the following options:

  • Edit will access the scene. This is the same as clicking on the name of the scene.

  • View, loads your 3D objects in an interactive OpenGL player on a new page. This allows you to view your animations or 3D models without having to enter the scene. On this page, you’re given the option to Edit Online, Download, Share or Embed your scene. Clicking on Embed prompts you with a list of options for adjusting the appearance and features of your Embedded Scene.

  • Share a scene with others. Doing so will open a dialog box showing the current owner of the scene and any collaborators. Collaborators can be added by providing their email address in the Invite People field. Separate the usernames or email addresses by a coma if you’re planning to share with more than one person.

  • Rename allows you to change the name of your scene directly from the scene list.

  • Clone an existing scene to create an exact copy. Useful for experimenting and branching workflows.

  • Delete will remove the scene from the directory.

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