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Vertex Modeling Tools

Vertices are the points that define a mesh. Vertices are connected to each other by edges.

Vertex Modeling Tools


The Weld operation merges the selected vertices if their distance from each other is within the Threshold. By default, the threshold is quite low, and will only merge vertices that are quite close. The Vertices can also be welded across holes in a mesh.

Weld vertices

Welding vertices

Above: Vertices are welded with a threshold of 0.9.


The Connect operation creates a new edge between pairs of selected vertices that share a face. This will have no effect if the vertices already share an edge. If more than two vertices on a face are selected, the first two vertices not sharing an edge will be connected.

Connecting vertices

Connecting vertices


The Delete operation destroys any faces containing the selected vertices.

Duplicate Vertices

It clones the select vertices.

Duplicate vertices


The Remove operation removes the selected vertices and any non-border edges that are attached while attempting to preserve topology.

Remove vertices

Remove Selected Unused Vertices

The Remove Selected Unused Vertices operation deletes any vertices from the selection that are not a part of any face.
To remove all unused vertices, use the Object Mode > Remove Unused Vertices operation.

Remove Unused Vertices

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